Another year is almost done. We will be starting our 9th year owning the store. Putting it up for sale soon.
We had about 4 inches of snow and now it is melted. Not much to do in the winter here. We will be doing inventory soon. On to the next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Until another day,

Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Almost Christmas
Its December now and I may get the decorations up soon. Havent been in much of the holiday spirit these days as I think I am missing family. Most of our family are in different states. Not sure what we will do this year. Seems all the days are running together. I think it is time to retire.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
After Thanksgining
Not much has been going on in Wonder lease days. Had a nice Thanksgiving at Seven Feathers Casino and even brought back a few bucks in the pocket. Weather has been cold and rainy with a little snow tossed in. Another month almost gone. Maybe next years holidays will be spent with family after we sell the store and retire.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Been a while
Wow, I guess its been a while since last posting. Not much going on around here. Just working and chatting with customers. We got a new cell phone with all the bell and whistles, but only use the phone and text with pictures. At least I get to see my grand kids in Colorado and Idaho. Those girls are not good at sending pictures of my grand kids unless they text them. So know I get to see them. Weather is turning cold and frosty. winter is on the way.
Until another day.
Until another day.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
For the last few days it has been raining. A couple of days ago the rain gage was at 2 inches. It has been raining most of the night and morning. We really need the rain. I love the rain and snow also. Trying to find a new phone that doesn't have to have all the bells and whistles. Don't need internet or texting, but would like a phone that I can send and receive pictures. We will see...
Until next time.
Until next time.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
14 years
Today is our 14th Wedding Anniversary. We took a ride to the coast this last weekend and donated some cash to the casino. We had a nice lunch and came home. Angie worked the store so we could get away for the day. Thanks Ang.
Until another time,
Until another time,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Slow Monday
Mondays are not very busy, but today is very slow. I have filled the coolers and the deli and have read all my normal blogs that I read. Now what shall I do....
Sunday, October 17, 2010
So Sad
I read a lot of blogs about rving and have a few favorites that I reed. Today I was surprised and saddened that one of my blogs writers that I read was tragically killed in an awful accident. Margie and Bruce were out walking and were hit by a car. Very sadden by this. Makes you think to live each day to the fullest. Rest in peace Margie and Bruce.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Cooler temps...
Cooler days are here and leaves are changing. Very pretty outside. Made cinnamon rolls from scratch today. Jerry can eat them because I used sweet&low with splenda brown sugar. Not as gooey but very good.
Started the website for the sale of the store. Hope it won't take too long to sell, but you never know with the bad economy and all. fingers crossed...
Started the website for the sale of the store. Hope it won't take too long to sell, but you never know with the bad economy and all. fingers crossed...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Fall is coming
Into October and fall is showing the colors. Fall is my favorite season in southern Oregon. The early mornings are quiet and a chill is in the air. I have started the beginnings of the sale of the store. We will have a website made to sell and there has been advertising also. Baby steps but I am started on the process of selling the store. It will be up for sale in the early spring. So we will see what happens. Fingers crossed.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Rain and more rain
It rained most of yesterday and last night. About 1½ inches of rain, so ODF will probley call of fire season. Slow in the store today, but watching football on the telly. Bye for now, Lu
Friday, September 17, 2010
The rain is coming
Finally rained to knock the dust down and hopefully lift the fire season. Living in Southern Oregon we have fire season that last about 4 months depending on weather. We have been lucky as not to have a big fire this year. Everyone is ready for fall and winter. It is to rain all weekend so that may lift the danger. We have a big pile of stuff and the back to burn so it would be nice not to look at it any more. Bye for now, Lu
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Just the same ole...
Things are back to normal as all visitors are gone. Jerry has all the wood split and covered because of rainy days. Just needs to stack it and cover it and he will be done with that project. Sales have slowed to normal and we have our regular and local customers now. They keep us up and running. sales are up this year. Now its on to the fall and winter months here in Beautiful Southern Oregon.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Janelle and her family are here visiting for a few days. How nice it is to have family around. We don't get visitors much. We went to the Oregon Caves and Jerry took them on a rafting trip. The kids were very happy about the rafting trip. Today we are going to Indian Mary Park and then on to Galice for lunch. should be another nice day. They will be leaving tomorrow. It is nice to get away from the store once in a while.
Buy for now,
Buy for now,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Fire will be going for a while
The Oak Flat Fire just north west of us is still going. only 15% contained. About 1250 acres burning in rough terrain. It is hard for the Fire Fighters to put it out.
Daughter and family are coming to visit for a few day. I hope the smoke doesn't bother them. They are from Southern Cali so they should be used to the smoke. It will be fun to have them here for a while.
Daughter and family are coming to visit for a few day. I hope the smoke doesn't bother them. They are from Southern Cali so they should be used to the smoke. It will be fun to have them here for a while.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Haven't Posted in a while
We have a forest fire going on in our area. It is about 6 miles nw of us. About 500 acres and it is in tough terrin. No containment yet because it is hard to get to. I is a little to close for comfort but we are watching it. Its called the Oak flat fire in southern oregon.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Nothing much
Everything has been about the same everyday. Sales are up year to date this year so far which will look very nice for the presective buyers of the store when we put it up for sale next year. Next month will be 8 years and would like to retire in the next year or so. We have to sell the store to retire. There have been a few small country stores sold in the area lately, so we hope when we put it up for sale it won't take too long. Finger crossed.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Man has it been hot here and it should not. 103 is not right. Not much going on just working the store and keeping cool.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
the ipad
Well it finaly came by fedex. The IPad Jerry ordered last week. What a wonderful machine. He is in the learning mode. pretty cool thing. He is downloading apps as I watch. More later as he (we) learn how to use it.
Bye for now, Lu
Bye for now, Lu
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Trip to Coast
Today we had a chance to go over to the coast. We had a Angela come in and work for the day. It was a nice day to get out of the heat. As we got closer to the coast it go cooler. 60° on the coast and 90 here. Stopped at liquor store in California because its cheeper than here. When we came back home we took a route that is closed in the winter. High elevation, lots of curves and cliffs. Nice drive in the summer. Not any traffic at all. We need to take a day off once in a while.
Bye for now, Lu
Bye for now, Lu
Thursday, July 15, 2010
not much going on
Things have been just about the same everyday. We are a little busier than usual and that makes time fly by. I get anxious about retireing when people come in and say they are headed to the coast or just taking a ride. Hope we put the store up for sale soon and hope again that it doesn't take long to sell. It will be 8 years this September.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Don't like the heat...
Wonder whats up will all these hot days. At least it goes down in temp in the evening. But, I am ready for it to be overwith. Store is steady today and that makes the days go by fast.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Way too hot for us....
Another hot day in the triple digets. whats up with that. 106 yesterday and hot again today. Not our usual summer weather.
bye for now, Lu
bye for now, Lu
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Not much going on
The 4th is over and it back to normal in the store. Went to medford to replenish the supplies in the store. Had to stop at Tin Tin buffet for lunch and then home again. Didn't hear anything new about our bear problems and all the trash cans were upright so may the bear have moved on.
Bye for now, Lu
Bye for now, Lu
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Independence Day!
The 4th of July is a holiday for most but not for us. It is Sunday, Jerry is painting the shop and I am working the store. Someday it will be a day off... More bear last night at the neighbors. Betsy, our shepherd, was acting strange so we knew the bear were back. Funny thing she wouldn't leave the deck. Just layed there and growled. I guess she didn't want to get involved.
bye for now, Lu
bye for now, Lu
Friday, July 2, 2010
July 4th weekend.
When into Grants Pass today to do some shopping for the store. Wow everybody and their brother was on the road. Not so much in the stores but definitely on the road. Heading to the coast or Selmac or the river. Very busy on the road. Glad that I am home. We will be here working the holiday.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
What fun is skype
Skyped with my brother last night. I was cool to see and talk to him at the same time. Talked with my SIL also. Now I am trying to get my son to get on line with skype. It is great for long distance as we don't see our family much.
Still having bear problems. I haven't had any yet, but most of my neightbors have. Hope the bear head back up the mountain soon.
Bye for now,
Still having bear problems. I haven't had any yet, but most of my neightbors have. Hope the bear head back up the mountain soon.
Bye for now,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I think I will like this skype thing
The other day I had signed up on skype. Now I have talk to my sister, that I haven't seen in a while and called my daughter in SanDiego and saw my grandkids that I haven't seen in a while. This is going to be fun. I would rather talk to a person than talk on the phone.
Bye for now,Lu
Bye for now,Lu
Monday, June 28, 2010
I signed up with skype, and talked to June and Jim. Saw June but couldn't see Jim. This is going to be fun. Now I just need to figure out the settings...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Now there are three...
Three bears are now wandering around the neighborhood. Keep on you toes as you never know what will happen. Maybe a sighting or a big clean up of trash or poo.
Not much else going on around Wonder. Still shopping for that just right Motorhome. The one I realy think will be just for us is "sale pending" on the website. I know what we want so I will keep looking.
Not much else going on around Wonder. Still shopping for that just right Motorhome. The one I realy think will be just for us is "sale pending" on the website. I know what we want so I will keep looking.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Yesterday my neighbor call and said she had to chase away two bear from her deck. Too close for me. But, we do live in the forest so I guess you will get visitors that you don't want once in a while.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Shopping for RV
Yesterday we had Angie come in for a few hours to work for us so we could go to a bank repo or to get sell the rvs that have been on their lot. We saw a couple but, from the price they did'nt really want to sell them. There was a nice 05 beaver that could be a nice rv for us. very cool floor plan. then there was this 07 Cheetah and was realy a 06 that was printed all over. they insisted it was an o7. ever the plate on the side of the door said 06. anyways. they were asking 230.000. Maybe that would be the price in 2006, but, it is 2010. There is the same rv at a texas dealership for 114.000. that is a better price. not sure what siskiyou rv world think they will get for that rv. We will keep looking.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Well, we almost went to get the Rv that I have searching for. It is in Texas at a large dealership and Jerry would have to go by himself and get it. We pondered the idea and said, If we get it now it will just set in the back yard and look very inviting for us to retire. We are not quit ready yet as We have to put the store up for sale and sell it first. He has a roofing project he is working on and then a bunch of yard sales then we will be ready to sell. Hope to put it up for sale next year. Too young yet to retire as we are in our mid 50"s
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunshine today
Well, we finaly have some sun shining today. But, I do see clouds in the distance. We are still looking for that just right RV. I have been doing reserch for the last 3 years. I know that the time would past quickly. Now it is just about time for the big purchase. The ones I have liked the most are in Texas or Tucson. We will see when that will happen. Hopfully soon
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Suns beat the Lakers
I know the Lakers are a good team, but I love my Suns and hope that they do win. Beat those Lakers. Go Suns. WE R ORNG!!!
Rain, Rain, Rain
Another rainy week for us. I guess the summer months are not here yet. Some days are great then it rains the next. Temps in the 50's. Getting the place ready to sell this year. Jerry has the last project in process. If it stops raining long enough. It is a roofing job so he had to wait for good weather. We will be putting the store up for sale when all is ready. Hope to retire in the next few years and become full time rver. I can't wait.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We have a black bear in the neighborhood..
Yep, we have a young black bear in the neighborhood. He has been roaming around all the homes and getting in the trash. Betsy our Shepherd hasn't seen him yet. But the neighbor behind us saw the bear today while she was hanging her wash in the line. I guess Betsy was sleeping...Our yard is compleately fenced so maybe the bear won't bother us. We will see. the bear has been in the neighborhood for about a month.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Suns beat the Spurs
The suns beat the spurs last week in a sweep. Now it on to the lakers. Very good team and don't like them. should be good games
Jury duty
I had Jury oreintation for jury duty this past week and was chosen for duty. I was in a jury of six. Thought it would be easy. but it wasn't. All morning long listening to the lawyers and witness. Then we went bact to the jury room for about two hours and we all couldn't agree on the verdit, so it was a mistrial. Oh well at least I did my duty. It was a long week for Jerry because he had to work the store all day for two days by himselve. We are back to our schedules now and all is well untill next time....
Friday, April 30, 2010
Suns win, go to second round....
The Suns knock out the Blazers to win the first round in the nba playoffs. We are in Oregon, but are true orange suns fans. they will start 2nd round in phoenix monday night with SA Spurs. Rivals yes. Should be good games. Not much else going on the sun finaly came out, so hoping things dry out a little.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rain, Rain, Rain
It's been raining for about 24 hours now. Last I check we got over 2 inches. I need the rain but not all at once. Very slow in the store today. We didn't get our 5 white vans of workers in today, so sales will be low for today. We will keep plugen away. Jerry has been wanting to work on the shop this week. but rain dosn't work when you need to replace the roof. He need nice days of course. Not much else going on. SOS. :)
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Phx Suns win big
We are of course Suns fans, have been for a very long time. They are in the playoff first round with Portand. We live in Oregon, but realy can't change who we rout for. Go Suns...The dell is still working fine. cross the fingers
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Monday, April 19, 2010
A OK with the Dell
Everything is going ok with my new dell. I haven't downloaded any of my old software and am wondering if that was the problem. I will wait a few more days and try to put in my canon cd. untill them it is working wonderfully.
Yesterday was very busy in the store. Since the sun was out and it was a nice day, that is when we get busy. Everyone comes out when the weather is good.
Yesterday was very busy in the store. Since the sun was out and it was a nice day, that is when we get busy. Everyone comes out when the weather is good.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dell problems
My new Dell 1545 laptop is giving me problems. It has disided to go white screen again. I had restored it to last Saturday afternoon when the nice young man from dell restored it back to its original state. We will see what happens now. The last one lasted 2 days then it when to white screen. I down loaded a new driver we will see. I realy like this new Dell. but....
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My new Dell
What a nice laptop. But today I spent most of the morning talking to tech support because my screen went white. Dang it! But the nice young man on the other end of the phone fixed me right up. He was doing the work right there on my screen. Pretty cool thing. Now its all fixed and I'm back using it again. Gota love technoligy.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Laptop
Just got a new Dell laptop. Pretty nice. I am anxious to use it. Windows 7 is new to me. Not much else is going on. Busy day in the store today. Sun is shinning
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sun Shinning at last...
We have been in a winter mode in weather for a while. Today the sun is shinning nicely, and of course those darn blue jays making alot of noise. I received a new dell laptop yesterday. It has windows 7 which is new to me. I think I have it figured out. It is sweet. I am ready to put it to work, to see what it can do. Pretty nice so far
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April 6, 2010 Nothing much today
The weather finally is sunny and bright. It has been raining for about a week. Snow levels have been low and the sales in the store slow. Just another day in paradise.
This is the first of many blogs to come. I'm just starting.
Bye for now,
This is the first of many blogs to come. I'm just starting.
Bye for now,
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