We haven't sold the store yet. Dang it!. So Jerry will have to winterize the Motorhome.
Would of liked to sell the store and head south for the winter, but not this year. Had a couple of people ask about the store, nothing serious. Hope to sell next year... Maybe the economy will start to come back to some normal...wishful thinking.
Jerry has the burn pile going as it is no longer fire season here. Not much else happening. Same ole same ole.
Bye for now,

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
First time out in the Rv
Finally got a chance to take the Rv out for a little shake down trip. We only went 23 miles down the road to the State Park, at least we got away from the store for the weekend. It was a little warm (89), so we had to run the AC during the day. But opened the windows at night, so we could hear all the fun noises of the park. Dogs, Kids, Moms and Dads Dogs squeaky toys. We were right off the interstate so we heard traffic but we are used to that. All in all had a great time. Hope to do it again soon.
Bye for now,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Independence day
Kids came up from hot hot hot Arizona for the 4th of july holiday. Was great having them here. Weather was just beautiful. We all rode the jet boats at Hellgate Jetboat in Grants Pass. They loved it. Lindsey (granddaughter) will be stay for July then going to go to high school. They grow up so fast. Not much going on here at the store sales are up and weather is great. Wish someone would buy the store.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Had an inquiry on the store
Today we received an email for an inquiry about the store for sale. They want to see if they can get financing before they go further. I know that it takes time to sell a business. One like ours takes people that love the country life and talking to a lot of different people. We have loved working the store and have a lot of friends and neighbors that we know. They don't want us to sell and we love it here. We would just like to retire.
What ever happens will happen.
Bye for now,
What ever happens will happen.
Bye for now,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Not much going on
Haven't had much going on lately. Weather has been rainy and sales have been slow in the store. When the sun comes out so do the customers. Its amazing what the weather does. We have stayed out in the RV for a couple of nights and We can't wait to take it out for real. Had a few asking about the store, but you never now what will happen. Someday someone will come in and say, We would like to buy your store. That would be the beginning of the rest of our lives.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Took a ride
We took a ride to the DMV to get tags on the RV. All I can say is WOW! your why up there. This was my first ride in a motor home and I had to get a few miles down the road to get used to it. We had to go up Hayes Hill summit and it went up and down nicely. I think I am going to love the rv life style. In fact I know I will. Now to sell the store. That will come in due time.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Spent the night in MH
Spent the night in the MH last night. We had to run the furnace and every time it went on, Betsy would bark. I guess she was protecting us. She is used to us being in the house and guarding the place. She is not to sure about that big thing in the back yard. She sniffs it when ever we are out there and she lays so she can see us. She is a Shepherd and very protective. She a good girl. But we were up most of the night. Love our MH very much.
Happy Easter to all,
Happy Easter to all,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Motorhome is a 2008 Winnebago Destination, 40'. The last few days its been parked in the back yard, I have been sitting and thinking of where to put things. Jerry of course is looking at the engine, batteries and water bays. We are excited to take it out and use it. But, we must use it in the back yard. As we own a small country store, we have to stay put until the store is sold. No prospects yet, but we just put it up for sale.
Bye for now,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Finaly Home
Jerry made it home in one piece with our new Rv. I just love it so much. He put a little over 2000 miles on it to get it home. Now I am thinking of where to put things and what colors to use. Exciting
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Monday, April 11, 2011
Half way home
Jerry is half way home with the RV. He was held up in Flagstaff with a big accident a couple miles ahead of him. Since it was late afternoon they decided to stay in Flagstaff for the night. He had 60 mile an hour wind gust in New Mexico. They pulled over there to wait it out. Hopeful that there will be no more incidents and a smooth sailing all the way home. Oh and his three cameras went out. I think that it is a loose cord. Hope to have him home by Wednesday.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Friday, April 8, 2011
Its Exciting...
Jerry is on his way home with our motor home that we bought in Texas. He's says he really likes it. Says I will too. I can't wait to see it as we bought it on the internet. MHSRV is a great place to do business. He hopes to be home Tuesday or Wednesday.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Went to Texas
Jerry left for Texas today to pickup our new to us motor home. Hope all goes well with the drive back. He has allot of butterflies right now. Bill our brother-in-law went with him to help him drive it home. They will have around 2000 miles to get home. Safe drive guys.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
We did it...
Yep we did it...Jerry is heading to Texas to get out new to us Motorhome. 2008 Winnebago Destination. Sept two done. Now on to step three to sell the store. That on is out of our hands so we will use it in the back yard to we can get used to it. Jerry will take it out now and then to get used to driving it. By the time he gets it home from Texas he will have about 2000 miles on it. I can't wait.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
We have had a lot of rain these last few days. 3 inches and the creeks are a risen. I hope that we are getting snow in the mountains so our summer won't be too scary for fires.
We have had over 100 hits on our store for sale web site. and more hits on the ad. www.wondergeneralstore.com and businessesforsale.com under convenience stores. We have had the store for sale only a month and have had many hits but not inquires. Way to soon to get worried. We feel that the price is far but negotiable. We would like to retire before Winter 2012 so in two years we should sell the store.
Bye for now,
We have had over 100 hits on our store for sale web site. and more hits on the ad. www.wondergeneralstore.com and businessesforsale.com under convenience stores. We have had the store for sale only a month and have had many hits but not inquires. Way to soon to get worried. We feel that the price is far but negotiable. We would like to retire before Winter 2012 so in two years we should sell the store.
Bye for now,
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Happy Birthday to me...
Yep, today is my birthday and of course the weather is raining and windy. Jerry brought home Chinese for lunch today. That is my favorite. I always remember as a child that my birthday weather was melting snow. I could never play with my new toys outside. Had to wait until the weather got nice. Now that I am a little older, I play with my toys rain, shine or snow. Electronics are all weather items.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Rv Show
Yesterday we went up to Eugene to a small RV show to get more ideas. Of course they had mostly trailers and 5th wheels at the show. A few new Class A's and a couple used ones outside. Oh well we got out of the store for the day. Stopped at Seven Feathers on our way home. Had dinner in the casino. Rained all the time but oh well we won't melt.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Computar problems
Wish that all this electronics stuff stayed for a while instead of new and improved things coming out. Jerry's i pad is not the newest and greatest anymore. New i pad 2 will be coming out soon.
And, not the desk computer in the office is down. Had a new hard drive installed and down loaded up dates all day. Finally go that done. What a project. I had to remember all the adobes and everything else that you need. Of course I lost a lot of stuff but not too bad. Raining today in stead of snowing.
bye for now,
And, not the desk computer in the office is down. Had a new hard drive installed and down loaded up dates all day. Finally go that done. What a project. I had to remember all the adobes and everything else that you need. Of course I lost a lot of stuff but not too bad. Raining today in stead of snowing.
bye for now,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
up for sale
We finally have our website done to sell the store. www.wondergeneralstore.com ,we hope things happen this year. Now on to putting it in the small business for sale site.
Weather last week was fun. 10 inches of snow.
Bye for now,
Weather last week was fun. 10 inches of snow.
Bye for now,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Rain, rain
Not much going on lately. almost got all the work done on the website and for sales ads to get the store up for sale. Didn't know it would be such an ordeal, but we're almost there. It would be nice to sell the store this year. But with the economy you just never know. It has been raining the last couple of days so the creek is running nicely. Hope to get some snow in the mountains as we are way behind in perspiration.
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
not much change
This time of year for the store is rather slow. But sales for January were up again this year. The sun is shinning and the temp is in the 40's. This time of year is usually wet and cold, but all of the nasty weather seams to be in the Midwest and east. This month I will finalize the for sale ad and publish the web site to sell the store.
Until next time,
Until next time,
Friday, January 21, 2011
Getting ready to sell
I have been working on a site to sell the store and will be putting ads on the internet. We will be ready to retire in the next year or two, so hopefully it will sell withing that time so we can start are full time motor-homing lifestyle. I have must to sell and get rid of. Most of everything will be staying with the store as our home is attached. When we sell the store, everything gos with. Maybe this year will be the year...
Bye for now,
Bye for now,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Been a while
Wow, didn't realize it had been so long. I guess that our life this time of year is boring. Not much to write about. January the sales are slow and from what all my vendor's tell me its the same every where. We have been having cold weather and today it warmed up a little and now it is raining. I have read all of the blogs that I read weekly or daily. Jerry is fixing a pot of potato soup and I am watching the store. We hope to sell the store this year and start our next adventure of full time rving. I have been on the look out for a motor home that will be just right. I'm not looking for new, just slightly used. I have found a few in Texas. They seem to have the best prices. We will see...
Until next time,
Until next time,
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