I have been working on a site to sell the store and will be putting ads on the internet. We will be ready to retire in the next year or two, so hopefully it will sell withing that time so we can start are full time motor-homing lifestyle. I have must to sell and get rid of. Most of everything will be staying with the store as our home is attached. When we sell the store, everything gos with. Maybe this year will be the year...
Bye for now,

Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Been a while
Wow, didn't realize it had been so long. I guess that our life this time of year is boring. Not much to write about. January the sales are slow and from what all my vendor's tell me its the same every where. We have been having cold weather and today it warmed up a little and now it is raining. I have read all of the blogs that I read weekly or daily. Jerry is fixing a pot of potato soup and I am watching the store. We hope to sell the store this year and start our next adventure of full time rving. I have been on the look out for a motor home that will be just right. I'm not looking for new, just slightly used. I have found a few in Texas. They seem to have the best prices. We will see...
Until next time,
Until next time,
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